• Estates Department
  • pengarah_p@um.edu.my
  • +603-7967 3999 (Office hour only)

Infrastructure Maintenance Division


  1. To safeguard the interests and well-being of the campus community as well as the users of the University's infrastructure facilities
  2. To implement efficient and cost-effective University infrastructure projects


  1. JHB Administrative Matters
  2. Personnel Administration
  3. Attend to Helpdesk Complaints
  4. Preparation and logistics management for official functions
  5. Cleaning services, reservation and rental of equipment/canopy tents, including removal of furniture and office equipment
  6. Horticulture, nursery management and pest control
  7. Management and disposal of sanitary waste and scheduled waste (including chemical and clinical waste) from colleges and departments

Physical Maintenance Division

Objectives :

  1. Physical Maintenance Division provides support to building, asset & infrastructure maintenance, engineering & environmental, electrical & electronic services , mechanical services, transportation & vehicle maintenance and skilled personnel to design, construct and maintain facilities for University Malaya and keep all utility infrastructures in safe operating condition.

Electrical & Electronic Engineering Unit

Functions :

  1. Electrical distribution system 33kv/11kv/415v
  2. Low voltage, medium voltage and high voltage switch gear
  3. Emergency power supply system
      a. Power generation
      b. Uninterupted Power Supply (UPS) system
  4. Electrical utility equipment and fittings
  5. Lab equipment
  6. PABX (Private Automated Branch Exchange) systems
  7. Office equipment
  8. Audio visual equipment
  9. QMS, automatic doors, walkie talkie
  10. Electronic equipment

Mechanical Engineering Unit

Functions :

  1. Air conditioning system, chilled water system/chilling system & cooling towers
  2. Fire protection systems
  3. Lift and dumbwaiter system
  4. Liquid Petroleum Gas piping systems
  5. Central water pump system
  6. Sewage pump system
  7. General Mechanical systems

Civil Engineering Unit

Functions :

  1. Main structure and ancilliary/auxiliary structures
  2. Cold water supply system
  3. Sanitary/sewerage and sewage treatment system
  4. Furniture, finishes and fittings
  5. Infrastructure maintenance
  6. Renovation works

Transportation Unit

Functions :

  1. Provide daily routine transportation services for the learning needs of students throughout the campus
  2. Manage the booking of vehicles and buses including the express and shuttle buses for the staff and students to meet the needs of off-campus learning and work obligations of UM staff
  3. Manage centralized maintenance work for official vehicles under PTJs on and off campus effective 2 January 2021
  4. Provide transportation services for scheduled garbage collection, forging work and environmental cleaning work on campus
  5. Manage the collection of condemned vehicles from the relevant PTJs 

Property Management Division

Objectives :

  1. To ensure leased / rental and property management is implemented and maintained in coordination with objective of Department of Development and Estate Maintenance.

Functions :

  1. Properties management
      a. Valuation of properties and space
      b. Land and building procurement
  2. Asset management
      a. Inventories/assets including disposal
      b. Distribution & donation of condemned assets and their replacement (Vot H)
      c. Asset inspections and auditing
  3. Space management
      a. Registration of space codes, space inspection and audit
      b. Measurement of space
      c. Providing space information to departments/students upon request

Project Management Division

The Project Development Division is a division under the Department of Development and Estate Maintenance (DDEM) responsible for planning, spearheading and managing development projects for the university. Our services include project consultancies involved with building construction, building upgrades and improvements. DDEM has completed more than 100 upgrading projects since 2010, including office space, teaching and learning facilities and laboratories. The Project Development Division works closely with UM ICT Centre, the UM Sustainability Secretariat and Occupational, Safety, Health and Environment Office (OSHE) to ensure our projects are technology relevant, environmentally friendly, safe, and inclusive. The division operates under the purview of three abled units with dedicated professionals and expertise. Their specific functions are as follows:


Project Monitoring :

  1. Prepares summary of project progress reports
  2. Reviews the physical and financial progress for all projects
  3. Coordinates the review of tender and quotations documents before advertising for outsourced projects
  4. Coordinates progress meetings with Project Leaders

Appointed secretariat for projects using federal funds including the Malaysia Plan (RMK):

  1. Prepares application papers
  2. Coordinates budget reports by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) and the Economic Planning Unit (EPU)
  3. Updates data in the Project Monitoring System II (SPPII) and Myprojek
      a. Project cost planning and analysis

Appointed secretariat for:

  1. UM Development Management Committee (JKPPUM)
  2. UM Consultant Evaluation Committee (JPPUM)
  3. Liaison Officer for projects involving external agencies such as MoHE, EPU and Public Works Department (JKR)


Project planning:

  1. Spearheads the development of UM Master Plan
  2. Ensures new projects are in line with the UM Master Plan<
  3. Assesses project feasibility for private initiatives
  4. Coordinates the technical and financial review for renovation applications & furniture purchase for approval

Project administration:

  1. Prepares schematic design for end-user
  2. Coordinates building, electrical, mechanical, and ICT planning for projects
  3. Manages projects from inception to completion until expiry of Defect Liability Period (DLP)
  4. Monitors and ensures the Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC) is obtained upon project completion

Setting architectural standards:

  1. Prepares guidelines and standards for design/ building materials; and ensures compliance
  2. Ensures that each design meets the requirements of universal design, occupational safety & health (OSH) and sustainable development goals (SDGs)
  3. Manages the application of Fire Certificate for campus buildings

Plans and records management:

  1. Maintains the archives and database of building drawings and certificates
  2. Administers and maintains data within the GIS (Geospatial Information System) for UM properties

Quantity surveying

Contract management

  1. Prepares initial cost estimate
  2. Prepares bills of quantities (BQ) for tender/quotation
  3. Manages calling for tender/quotation and evaluation reports for appointment of contractors
  4. Manage documents related to the contract
  5. Manages payment recommendations based on work progress (interim and final)
  6. Manages work variations, work extensions during contract period
  7. Prepares documents based on current instructions on site related to compliance with established contracts
  8. Maintains project Financial Statement
  9. Manages documents related to the completion/non-completion of works
  10. Prepares final documentation and reports pertaining to project completion

Project cost data

  1. Evaluates, analyzes and compiles project and construction cost data
  2. Provides cost standards for standard design based on previous projects
  3. Executes cost control for the proposed design based on the approved allocation to obtain optimal final cost

Project record management

  1. Maintains the upkeep of project records for audit purposes

Last Update: 31/03/2024